When studying tarot, we often learn about the Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana, in which the cards form a story. The cards of the Minor Arcana form stories too, and seeing how each card builds on the last can help us understand the cyclical nature of the suits. In this four part series (find Cups, Swords, and Pentacles here), I’ll share the journey of each suit as I have told it to myself. These narratives are heavily based on the Rider Waite Smith imagery. Other decks may tell different stories! Today we examine the suit of Wands, associated with Fire, willpower, passion, creativity, and energy.

Ace of Wands: You feel the fresh spark of new energy, a pure and brilliant flame. Your passion and inspiration burn brightly. You launch yourself wholeheartedly into a new endeavor, brimming with confidence and excitement. You feel like you could do anything, and you just might.
Two of Wands: That fire inside you makes you feel powerful, bold. But what will you do with all that energy? You need to direct it, channel it. You can’t do it all at once, or you’ll burn out, so you begin to plan and make choices about how to structure your energy moving forward.
Three of Wands: You’ve made your choice. Now the planning is fully underway. You look out over the horizon, ready to explore and expand. You take the long view, seeing possibilities far into the future. You’re sending out your ships, trusting that your investments will bear fruit.

Four of Wands: The ships have come in and it’s time to celebrate your first success! You are still playing the long game, and you know that you have only completed the first phase of many. But for now, enjoy the bounty! You throw a party and rejoice in the sunshine with your loved ones.
Five of Wands: After the glow of your early accomplishments fades, you face a sudden challenge. You’re getting into arguments, and there’s stiff competition. To succeed, you need to make this a conflict that becomes productive, strengthens you, and re-energizes that initial spark so that you can fight for it.
Six of Wands: Victory! You have prevailed, and you are getting recognition for your success. You enter an energy exchange with your crowd of supporters — their applause enlivens you, and your glory inspires them. Enjoy the moment! But like the joy of the Four, this is temporary. Bask in the adulation of your admirers while it lasts.

Seven of Wands: You are under siege. You need to defend what you believe in and stand your ground. Who attacks you — is it a new player, a corrupt system, or could it be your former crowd of supporters? No one stands with you, and you feel alone. No matter. You will fight with conviction. Hold!
Eight of Wands: Energized by your recent challenges, you move swiftly. Strike while the iron is hot! You structure your energy for maximum effect and efficiency. You keep your focus, speeding forward with great momentum. You’re flying!
Nine of Wands: You have faced so much, and you know the final onslaught is still to come. You are battered and bruised and so, so tired, but you endure. You shore up all your strength for one final push, one last defense. Persistence and resilience are your watchwords as you stand guard one last time.
Ten of Wands: You fought hard, and you have won your prize, but now you find yourself crushed under the burden of responsibility. You worked so hard for everything that you feel you can’t let go or ask for help. You feel like Atlas, carrying the world on your back. You remember when all you had was the initial spark, that lovely flame. How can you feel that alive again? You realize your burden is of your own making. Maybe you could set it down, or share the load. Or perhaps you could set it all ablaze and bask in the warmth of the fire…