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I would be honored to read the cards for you. A tarot reading from me is a place to begin your own work — a starting point for your own journey of self-reflection. Tarot can give you perspective on the situation you are in now, how you might have gotten to where you are, and how to get where you want to go next. My readings include both intuitive insight and actionable advice. I am not a psychic or predictive reader, meaning I cannot tell the future. If you’re looking for someone who will tell you what to do or what will happen, I’m not the right reader for you. If you need compassion, honest advice, and inspiration, I think we’ll be a great fit. Tarot is a wonderful tool that you can use to build your future for yourself.

My readings are written documents delivered over email. The beauty of a written reading is that you can come back to it whenever you like! When booking a reading, please enter your name, your email address, and your question, describing your situation in as much or as little detail as you care to give. Whatever context you provide will help shape the reading. A general reading is great too (but please don’t waste your time trying to play “test the psychic.” I’m not psychic!). Within one week of purchase, you will receive an email with a pdf attachment with a write-up of your reading and a picture of the spread. By purchasing a reading, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the Maenad Tarot Policies and Code of Ethics.

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